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Benefits for Veterans

and Surviving Spouses


VA Non-Service Connected Disability Pension Benefits.

The VA Aid & Attendance & Housebound Pension is designed to provide qualified veterans and their un-remarried surviving spouses with financial benefits outside of the traditional VA residential system. This pension benefit, which was established in 1952 under title 38USC, provides a direct, tax free monthly pension to help defray the cost of long-term care.
































































































Qualifying Military Service



Must be 65 years old and/or unemployable.

Must have an Honorable or General discharge (any other than Dishonorable discharge).

Must have served at least 90 days of active Federal duty with at least one day during an       official period of conflict.   

Must have a medical necessity requiring care

Must meet income and countable asset criteria established by the VA* 

* For more details please Contact US.

What does this mean to you? 
Access of your benefit through this system provides you with access to care. With a pension in hand, you are able to afford the care you need. Secondly, you have a choice. You have the power to select the services you need as well as the provider that meets those needs. Thirdly, the pension is dependable. Like Social 
Security, the pension will always be there for qualified beneficiaries and is paid directly to you by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Our team of professionals is here to guide you through what can often be a complex and confusing process. We understand the "winding Road" of the process and can help ensure that you have satisfied all of the VA's qualifying criteria.


Assistance offered by the American Academy of Benefit Planners to Veterans and Surviving Spouses is always offered at no charge.

For more information about the Veterans Aid & Attendance program, to get the information you need to qualify or 

to request a free consultation with a member of the American Academy of Benefit Planners please contact us and we will connect you with the nearest professional in your area.

The American Academy of Benefit Planners is not a government agency or a part of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)American Academy of Benefit Planners has not been recognized by the VA for purposes of preparing, presenting and prosecuting claims for VA benefits. The American Academy of Benefit Planners retains VA Accredited Attorneys and Law Firms for all claims filing.

The Qualifying Military Service


Veterans must have been honorably discharged, and have served at least 90 days of active duty military service, with at least one day during one of the following periods:

Other service qualifying criteria:  

  1. Service in the Merchant Marine during World War II counts the same as Naval Service, providing the veteran was at sea for 90 days.

  2. Women who served in the World War II military, including nurses, qualify as veterans

  3. Reserves and National Guard are not qualified unless they served 90 days active Federal duty with 1 day during a period of conflict.

  4. The 90 days rule is excepted for those who served less than 90 days but were awarded the Purple Heart, suffered a service connected disability, or were killed in the line of duty.

Discharge Papers

A copy of discharge papers is needed as proof of service. (Must reflect the date enlistment into active duty, date of discharge and type of discharge i.e. honorable).

If you cannot find these discharge papers or they are illegible you can obtain copies at:

On the right side of the Webpage you will be able to Launch eVetRecs and request the document. After you send the request you will print out a signature page. You will get 2 copies, one for you and one to send. After the veteran or widow signs the document you will have to fax or mail it to the address on the page before they will release the document. Normally you should hear form them in about 4 weeks. Your copy will have a number to call if you do not hear from them.

Please note that many veterans records were lost in the 1973 fire that destroyed millions of records at the National Personnel Records center. If you receive a letter informing you that your records were lost in the fire they will request additional information and send the appropriate forms to be able to recreate them.




Timeliness of Content

Because of the complexity of applicable VA statutes, regulations, and internal claim development issues, it is impossible to keep this Website fully updated at all times. Therefore, we cannot take responsibility for the current accuracy of the information presented here. For the most updated information, please contact us

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